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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  March 14, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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who wants to come see the future?! get your business online in minutes with godaddy airo >> it is 7:00 a.m. here on the. >> steve: echo. >> ainsley: it is thursday, march 14th. and this is "fox & friends." we start with this. it's a fox news alert. a boeing plane forced to make an emergency landing in los angeles
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over a possible mechanical issue. >> lawrence: as gang violence tears apart haiti, governor desantis deploys the national guard for a possible spike in migrants. >> brian: everyone wants out of there. plus, ever dream of a 32-hour workweek with no pay cut? well, if you are a socialist who never had a real job, then you know bernie sanders. he is introducing a bill to make that dream a reality. >> steve: i think there are a lot of people who would like to work less and get paid the same. >> ainsley: they might not say they are socialists. they like that idea. >> steve: the seconds hour of "fox & friends" for pie day it's 3/14 starts now. and, remember, mornings are better with pie. >> steve: buckle up fox news alert. a packed american flight making landing at los angeles international airport overnight after the pilot reported a possible mechanical issue with another boeing jet.
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>> ainsley: the flight that took off from class, fourth international airport landed safely thankfully nobody was injured. >> brian: string of incidents planes made by boeing. the company facings a criminal probe where they use things like dawn dish shown and no one can find the paperwork who actually dried to fix and it do the maintenance on the window that failed. >> ainsley: hotel door room key, too. >> steve: sounds like they had video for a while but it got overwritten as they say. it kind of erased itself. how handy. we will keep you posted if they find any clues. in the meantime, let's switch gears. now onto the election in the first tuesday of this november. president biden is heading to the battleground state of michigan today. it's his first visit since more than 100,000 people cast uncommitted votes in the democratic presidential primary. >> ainsley: the trip comes as brand new fox polls show former president trump topping biden in several swing states.
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>> lawrence: peter doocy is live at the white house with the latest. hey, peter. >> peter: good morning. president biden goes to pennsylvania more than any other state besides delaware. and right now he is losing to trump there in this new fox news poll by 2 points, 49-47. this does threaten his blue wall electoral college strategy. that is a state he beat trump n 2020. this pennsylvania result is driven, according to the poll, by 61% of voters who say the economy is extremely important to their vote. 55% list election integrity as extremely important. 52% the border. climate change, a priority for this white house, all the way down at 27% in p.a. pennsylvania investigators say they trust trump over biden to be better on the border, the economy, and foreign policy. and president biden also losing to trump in arizona right now by four points 45 to 49.
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another state biden won in 2020 by a very thin margin. top 3 extremely issues to voters there economy, election integrity and border. yet the flashiest lines from president biden's recent remarks aren't about any of those issues in the future they are about trump in 2020. >> i know this sounds like hyperbole but it's all in your hands and you folks like you all across the country, because this is how i won the first time i ever ran and this is how i'm going to win again. a lot of you helped me in 2020 and we make sure he -- was a loser. and he is a loser. [laughter] and we're going to make sure that happens again. >> peter: so today president biden is going to be in michigan. 100,000 voted uncommitted there in the primary. that is more than enough voters to tip the general election. and, as of this week, we are in general election mode. that is also why white house officials are reportedly going to be in chicago today courting
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arab, muslim, and palestinian activists trying to convince them that president biden's support for israel's effort in gaza should not cost him their support in november. back to you. >> steve: hey, peter, we are spotting a story this morning in the "new york times" that talks about how the house republicans and their impeachment inquiry, it sounds like, has hit a wall. because they say they don't have the evidence, they don't have the votes in congress. and so, rather than going forward with impeachment, now they are talking about criminal referrals of, essentially joe biden and people around him, to the doj, joe biden's doj about crimes that he or his associates may have committed. that's largely symbolic, isn't it? >> peter: yeah. and it's not like they are just going to announce with a press release that the impeachment inquiry is off. because that would be something that would be good for the white house and we're getting closer and closer to general election
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mode. so, republicans in the house are probably not going to do that. but they do have the ability to look at the evidence that they have got from these depositions, from the different subpoenas that they have issued and tell the doj, hey, we think that we have got x, y, z, criminal violations here. hunter biden, specifically, is who these house republicans think that they could possibly get the justice department interested in. the problem for them is going to be that the justice department has already charged hunter biden. so it's unclear what the house has seen or what the house knows that these doj investigators don't already know, have not already seen. receive steve let's see where that goes. all right, peter, thank you very much. >> brian: tony bobulinski gave a statement yesterday hunter biden is not going to show up. remember the guy they wanted to come in front of people, storming in speaking on the steps of the courthouse. now tony bobulinski saying i'm coming. devin archerrer going to be inviting. put people up there because their stories don't line up.
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let the american people see what comer and company have been seeing behind closed doors. that's whole reason to get the depositions ahead of time. so it's going to be interesting to see bobulinski specifically blow up all these people with stats. >> steve: he will be on tv. >> lawrence: important story to the american people. as it relates to the white house, the one thing that has them alarmed right now when it comes to all the polling as they gear up for this election is the broken coalition that they have. axios has a report today talking about the democrats' big vulnerability between black voters and the hispanic voters. and essentially an article it lays out since the 1960s, they have been able to rely on that civil rights wing of the party. and now those folks not only dying but the younger voters are saying, you know what? actually, it's the issues day to day that are impacting us. and the biden administration doesn't have or the campaign doesn't have a message for those people in their lived reality up to date. >> brian: they could use charlamagne tha god if you don't
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vote for me you ain't black. see how that goes. and they are going to continue to try. the one thing i have been noted is over the last week, joe biden has been out there. he is going to the battleground states. is he going to milwaukee. is he going to pennsylvania. you know, he is sending a message out. he did a radio interview yesterday. so, he is not going to do it from his basement. but the more you put him out, the more tired is he going to get and more mistakes is he going to make. they say we don't have a choice. trump has got to match that energy. >> ainsley: he is going to these swing states. pennsylvania, that's interesting that trump is ahead 2 points in pennsylvania according to the fox news poll. that would be a tight race because in 2016, trump only won by less than a percentage point. and then in 2020, biden won by just over 1 point. >> steve: that's right. >> brian: just add this, when he sheffield new contracts, new licenses for natural gas drilling in pennsylvania, that was a body blow to that state in
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particular not only that hurts our national security. why did he do it? he has got this green side of him that's getting in the way of his election. >> lawrence: production in michigan as well is not just the arab vote. but it's the union vote. just because the union bosses back someone doesn't mean all their members are going to supports. >> number one issue across the country according to gallup is our southern border and migration. we know we see thousands of people every day come across. but, what you don't see is something that i told you guys about what i saw two weeks ago saturday. i was down in florida. my wife and i came up at 9:00 at night to this police check point. as it turns out a boat with haitians and people from the dominican republic had come ashore. and 8 people, with life jackets, jumped off and ran to try to -- >> ainsley: in that one video. that's february 10th. >> brian: it's a failed state. right now, you are looking at
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nine gangs running the entire country, the prime minister resigned in haiti and wasn't allowed back in the country anyway. when they shut down the airports, everybody there is stuck. there are thousands of americans there. there is embassy flew out most of their staff and left the americans behind. they are fantastic at that, this administration. getting their people out and leaving everybody behind forcing private industry to do things. >> steve: if you are a person in haiti and you are an american, you are invited back. but my point is, they don't -- you know, they are not invited into this country. they have got to go through the process just like everybody else unless you come on our southern border. what they are doing is they are coming ashore. so, you know, two weeks ago, i saw 50 police cars responding to 8 people. florida has had such a robust response to the migrant problem, particularly with the haitians. and now, yesterday, ron desantis announced that they are redeploying assets. they don't have a lot of boats
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but they are going to redeploy boats and 250 members of law enforcement and the state patrol essentially to try to keep the migrants from coming ashore in florida. >> one of the under reported stories is how good ron desantis has been supporting the state of texas. you see texas dps there florida fish and wildlife already patrolling the southern border. they have gotten a lot of training. i talk to those guys all the time how to use the drones and use that technology. they will be able to take that experience now and go back to florida. and kind of combat some of the stuff seeing from haitian migration. >> ainsley: they know they have support from ron desantis. you will see law enforcement that many of them are moving down to florida so that they can have the support from the governor. and he was tweeting about this and talking about the number of people deploying, 250 additional officers and soldiers over a dozen air sea craft to the southern coast. they are doing a great job down in florida. and if you look at the numbers,
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i think we have them. we have them in our rundown. did you all see these numbers of how many haitians are coming across? now, let's see, last year it was 69,435. we are only, what, six months into this fiscal year almost 45,000. >> steve: there is a safety issue for the people of florida. in texas, for the most part. the people come in and then they surrender to border patrol. border patrol is not in florida. so these people come in on the boats and then they just scatter. they essentially run into people's backyards. they go into state parks and stuff like that. they look along the coast line if they are coming in at night. dark. that means no houses there. they get into a state park. so it is a safety issue for florida as well. because the people of florida want to be safe. >> brian: this administration has totally dropped the ball on haiti. i know it's never easy. we understand that they have allowed this whole thing to get to the point where it's worse than it's ever been. now you have no government would have to send in marines millions of dollars and then we find out
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that secretary of state blinken going to write $200 million check to who? who are you writing to? whether a gang are you picking out? check their neck tattoos and write them a check? do they have bank accounts? what are we doing? how could you find 200 million for haiti. while on the road and you can't find $2 for ukraine? so, what is your priority here? why do you feel so comfortable leaving americans behind? we're going to have mitch albom here who is on the -- he was on the radio with me yesterday. and he said we have been in touch with the embassy. and then they said stay put. and then they called the embassy and they said everyone left. really? thank you. >> lawrence: so much for leadership. >> steve: just about 30 minutes ago we did a powerful interview with the sister of a 12-year-old boy who was killed when his family was driving along in their family jeep and a migrant woman from venezuela was going the wrong way down the highway. 70 miles an hour in 40
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mile-per-hour zone. that right there is 12-year-old taylor wolf -- rather, travis wolfe. taylor wolfe, his sister. 22-year-old sister joined us. the family is so frustrated by what happened and feels that, you know,. >> brian: it's preventible. >> steve: he would be alive if that person hadn't killed him. >> lawrence: the president made the question last week during the state of the union of how many people are killed? how many people are killed by illegals? okay, mr. president. we have another one added to the list. are you going to contact this family? are you going to say because of open investigation? are you going to be able to pronounce the name or do you know the name? those are legitimate questions. >> ainsley: are you going to apologize to the illegal for using that word? the child was hit -- the accident was in december. the child was on life support and just passed away on march 6th. here was that powerful interview that steve had with the young boy's sister, taylor. >> it makes me really angry, if i'm being honest.
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she wasn't supposed to be here. and if she would have just came here legally they would have had the documents on her. they would have been able to get insurance for her, you know. sorry. shreve would have been able to get insurance herself. no one needed to do it for her. but now my family is stuck with the loss of a child because she didn't know how to drive. and, i mean, i don't think there is really much to say there. she shouldn't have been here. he was a very sweet soul. i mean, he was a little kid to be sure, you know. he was 11-year-old boy. and, you know, they're all crazy. but he always tried to light up the room, making people laugh and he was just goofy. you can see in his pictures how silly he was by his face. >> clearly this family is angry as they rightfully should. but where is the anger within the democratic party? where's the anger within the
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media? there was such an effort last week to get the president "on the record say mr. president, you said illegals. shouldn't you be saying undocumented? where is going to be the anger and conch from the same reporters on this family? >> steve: where is the conch. aside from our channel, who is featuring the story of travis wolfe? we did. and we brought his sister on to tell us about what that family has gone through his mother and his father were both injured in the accident and he passed away. the accident happened the day before his 12th birthday. they had already bought him birthday presidents, i would imagine. >> ainsley: right. before christmas, too. >> steve: it's just heart breaking. >> brian: carley shimkus you have the other story? >> carley: i certainly do. brand new pictures into our newsom hunter biden arriving at close confidante kevin morris' home in los angeles yesterday.
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the visit to a so-called sugar brother coming the same day a federal judge ruled the first son's trial on felony gun charges were tentatively begin on june 3rd. hunter is accused of lying about his drug use when he filled out a form to buy a gun in october 2018, which is a violation of federal law. he pleaded not guilty after his plea deal collapsed last year. jury complications resume today in the involuntary manslaughter trial of james crumbley. the father of the oxford high school shooter ethan crumbley faces up to 15 years in prison if convicted. he did not take the stand. his wife, jennifer crumbley, was found guilty last month of four counts on involuntary manslaughter. she will be sentenced on april 9th. to a develops story. country music star luke bryan reacting to the disappearance of riley strain. the university of missouri student last seen after leaving brian's bar in nashville last week. the singer posting, quote: y'all this is scary. praying for his safe return. irour thoughts are with his
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family and loved ones. enoughly released footage shows crossing a street in downtown nashville. using boats and drones to search the cumberland river for any sign of strain. and christie brinkley revealing her skin cancer diagnosis. the supermodel sharing she had basal cell carcinoma removed from the side of her face. >> she told her instagram follower she caught it early and her great doctors, quote. removed the cancer and stitched me up like to perfection like a hot couture deor. she is now reminding fans to be diligent with the sun protection. a little humor amid that skin cancer diagnosis. independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy jr. set to announce his running mate pick march 26th. aaron rodgers is on his short list for v.p. >> i really like aaron because our appeal is to young people. we are trying to make sure that
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young people are participating in the political process. that they have hope for america. aaron rodgers is battle tested. he stood up. he has been hammered by the press. >> carley: another possible v.p. pick is former wrestler turned former minnesota governor jesse ventura. and senator bernie sanders hold a hearing today on a new bill to establish a four day workweek nationwide. under the bill workers would get paid the same amount as working all five days. sanders doubling down on the idea saying a.i. could make the shortened workweek a reality. so we want to know what you think of the 32-hour workweek. email us at and those are your headlines. i always have the same reaction to these stories. do not become the number one nation in the world with a four hour workweek. >> brian: absolutely not. you picked the wrong country. >> carley: go to greece. >> lawrence: congress doesn't work anyway who is surprised?
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>> bernie sanders never had a real job. >> steve: that's right. think about it. 32 hours. if you worked 8 hours a day, essentially what he is proposing is a three day weekend. you would only work four days a week. i think a lot of people would actually get behind a three-day weekend. it will be interesting to see how bernie pitches it. >> brian: just get behind. >> ainsley: 10 hour work days for three days. >> steve: or 3.2 days. >> brian: then spending more because you have three days off. >> ainsley: that's true. >> steve: that's a good problem to have. >> brian: how many days coming over to your house having five guys you would be paying for it three days now. >> steve: if we had a 3 day weekend your booze bill would go up? >> ainsley: you would be drinking one extra day. >> lawrence: that's exactly right. >> brian: we would have you on the road. [laughter] >> brian: on the road or off the
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wagon. tell us if you want to get on the sanders bandwagon. he is who i look to. >> steve: do you want to work less for the same amount of money. >> ainsley: i think a lot of people get on that bandwagon doesn't mean you are socialist. >> brian: just know your career will suffer. bernie sanders should not be guiding light for career success as a socialist. >> steve: you wouldn't be socialist but you could be more social. >> brian: america wants you to work. that's what makes you successful. >> steve: we are very successful. the number one morning news show for over 20 years dvr us every day. set your dvr, click off every day 6 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. monday through friday and get the weekend show, too. steve. >> lawrence: that's what we call a humble brag. number one for 20 years. >> ainsley: because of the people watching us. >> lawrence: that's right. >> steve: meanwhile, the clock is ticking for tiktok. the bill that could ban the platform now in the senate's hands. what will they do with it. >> ainsley: senator rand paul says this raises serious
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constitutional issues and he's going to explain that, next. ♪ ng... in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention.
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missouri, they are dealing with gigantic hail, referred to, look at that, bigger than a golf ball. referred to as gorilla hail. never heard of that one, j.d. >> janice: i vice president. i have heard softball and pea sized i have heard robin egg that kind of thing it. just means it's big and it's scary. that's what is happening across the country. we have got incredible amounts of snow for colorado. you know, two or three months' worth in a couple of days and then we have this temperature clash where it's going to feel like springtime for the eastern third of the country. and that cold air is going to sink southward and bring the risk or at least help that fuel some of these storms where you also have the potential for hail, damaging winds and tornadoes. coast to coast storm overview cold air in place. rockies getting slammed with 2 feet to 3 feet of snow. that area of low pressure in moving over the mississippi river valley and midwest. that will bring the risk for severe storms not only today but through the overnight hours. know where you are going to get those watches and warnings if
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you live anywhere from dallas to the great lakes. we could have a tornado outbreak, my friends. winter weather alerts for the rockies, again, this is a huge story for colorado for the denver area over a foot of snow but, you know, in the mountains, you are going to get 2 to 3 feet of 12340e and that's going to make travel very dangerous as steve mentioned we have a lot of cancellations and delays. there is the snow still to come for spring break in some cases over 2 feet to 3 feet plus of some snow. so all the ingredients are there. we have a lot of weather hazards to watch for. fox for all of your latest details. okay, steve. i'm going to toss it right back to you, my friend. >> steve: of course, on the bright side, if you want to go skiing this is the perfect time to do it with all that snow. some headlines and we start with this. the european union has approved ground rules to govern artificial intelligence in tech investment. this is the world's first major legislation to regulate a.i. it would be divided -- it would divide the technology into categories of risk.
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ranging from high, medium, and low hazard. anything deemed unacceptable would be banned. meanwhile, author mitch albom, friend of this show, sharing his experience after he and nine others were rescued by helicopter from haiti as violence in that country spirals out of control. that mission was coordinated by florida congressman cory mills who joined the effort. mr. albom is going to join us in the next hour to discuss. and this just in. reuters is reporting that while he was in office, former president donald trump authorized a covert cia operation against the chinese government aiming to try and turn public opinion in china against the ccp. at least three former intel officers say they had a small team of operatives who used false identities and they spread negative narratives about xi jinping's government online while leaking disparaging intel to overseas news outlets.
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we'll have more on that story. that is quite a story, brian. >> brian: yeah, it's great to see these intel operators are doing a great job keeping a secret. thanks so much, steve. 29 minutes after the hour. the u.s. house overwhelmingly passing a bill that forced tiktok's chinese owner bytedance to divest from the app. or face a nationwide ban. they got six months it. now heads to the senate where members like our next guest says it raises serious constitutional issues and even elm plates the authoritarian nation we are trying to protect ourselves from. let's bring in kentucky senator rand paul. senator paul, why do you believe that tiktok is not a danger to america? >> i don't think it's a question of whether the allegations are true or false. i think when you are alleged of a crime you have to be convicted of it. so you can't really take someone's property in our country without a conviction. that's in the fifth amendment. do process to take a company from them or force them to sell. the 5th amendment 180 million
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americans express themselves on the platform have a right as well. there has been a preliminary decision by a federal district judge in montana that tried to ban. this two decision under donald trump when he tried to ban. this they have all been found unconstitutional we can like or dislike tiktok. i have never looked at tiktok. the thing is using it or not using it, whether you own it or not own it really has to be according to the law because there's a real danger, for example fiewmsz, i don't know, maybe you have some foreign owners. i don't know if everybody is an american citizen. and then what if they say fox news is giving misinformation on the election. you have a foreign ownership. you have misinformation according to the government all of a sudden they say we are going to shut down fox news or we are going to shut down twitter. the bill just isn't about tiktok. it mentions tiktok by name which is also a problem. laws are not allowed to target one company. there is also a danger that goes beyond that.
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>> brian: i want you to hear what the fbi. in terms of banning it i think national security should trump that being that we are finding out that beijing is designing dg this algorithm to help divide america over the hot issues that you debate every day in congress from race to gender and all these other things knowing it's been around since 2016. gordon cheng came out and said like allowing 170 million spy balloons over america. and here's what the fbi director said yesterday that kind of influence operation describing are extraordinarily different presented by significant. americans need to ask themselves whether they want to give the chinese government the ability to control access to their data dowz a difference? do you think there should be a listing of nafingses like china,
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north korea, iran should not be able to own entities like this in america? >> here's the first thing and this is the most important fact of all of this and it needs to be debated and not assumed as fact. the company's own 06% by international investors. 20% by the two chinese software engineers to developed of it the entrepreneurs who began the business and 20% by their employees, 7,000 of whom are american. it's a very diverse ownership. it's not owned by the chinese government. in fact, on tiktok's board there are no chinese nationals that control this or are associated with the government at all. there are ceos from singapore. so this is international corporation and like every other international corporation they deserve their day in court. you can't just take their property. look, i have a lot of arguments with the chinese communists saudi authoritarians. but i'm not saying we should allow banning anybody to do business with the saudis because they have unsaviorry government as well and they spy on their people. >> brian: senator, did you see the hearing or were you part of
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that hearing? i can't remember what committee was in front of ceo of tiktok was trying to rationalize why we should leave it in this country. >> you know, i wasn't in that hearing, i do know they have been working very closely with our government to try to adhere to anything they can do to stay open in our business -- in our country. they offered and have actually transferred most of their data to texas oracle cloud review of the cloud by oracle to make sure it's controlled here. >> brian: it's not. >> cfius is a procedure where foreign owned cover. >> brian: i understand. >> foreign countries work to have american boards. they have also worked with the government to try to do that. >> brian: i know about the texas project. and i wish it was effective but it isn't. we put a billion dollars in to it but they did. he could not for sure. >> that's your opinion, brian. that's your opinion. macy your opinion. >> brian: no, nobody thinks. >> it's your opinion.
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>> brian: let me finish. nobody thinks the texas project suspect and running. >> i do. and the thing is when you say nobody believes that it is. >> brian: let me just finish. they could not answer. the ceo would not assure that beijing would not personal information for 170 million americans. >>s that not true. i don't think that's true. >> brian: number one with young people it is true. >> even if it were true, brian brian, it's an allegation. you are making allegations against a company. >> brian: okay. >> owned by americans and you have to prove it who owns that company bite chance it's owned by china. >> no. it's not. see, that's a lie. and you are defaming the country. you are defaming the company. 60% of it is owned by international investors. 20% is owned by the software developers who are chinese. and 20% is owned by the employees. 7,000 of whom are americans. >> brian: who controls the algorithm? it's not nonprofits. who owns the algorithm.
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>> tiktok owns the own algorithm and it's not in china. >> brian: who owns bytedance. and who owns bytedance the chinese government. >> you just told a lie. you can't say something on tv something that's a lie by a company. it's out and out lie. >> brian: what is a lie? >> they are not owned by the chinese government. tiktok is owned privately, 60% by international investors. >> brian: who controls the algorithm that's all that matters. you are talking about profits. >> listen. >> brian: i have been listening to you. >> let me finish the answer. 60% is owned by international investors who have made investments in this. 20% owned by the two chinese software engineers who developed the app. and 20% by their employees. >> brian: who controls the algorithm. >> 7,000 of them are americans and the algorithm them is not in china. encarnanze is held outside of china. >> brian: influencing america and you believe. >> constitution. >> 60% of foreign ownership controlled it.
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senator, thank you so much. [overtalking] >> you cannot take people's property without due process. if you believe there is a national security exception. >> brian: there is a national security. >> constitution. then you believe that fox news could be shut down, that twitter could be shut down. >> brian: senator, thank you very much. i'm up against a hard break. thank you very much. all right, straight ahead, we saw some celebrities wearing red pins at the oscars, the anti-israeli meaning behind it, next. ♪ did you ever worry we wouldn't get to enjoy this? [jeff laughs maniacally] (inner monologue) seriously, look at these guys. they are playing great. meanwhile, i'm on the green and all i can think about is all the green i'm spending on 3 kids in college. not to mention the kitchen remodel, and we'd just remodel the bathrooms last month. with empower, i get all of my financial questions answered. so i don't have to worry. so you're like a guru now? oh here it comes— join 18 million americans and take control of your financial future with a real time dashboard and real live conversations. empower. what's next.
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entresto is the #1 heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. ♪ >> ainsley: tie israel holiday celebrities wearing red pin to the oscars claiming it's calling for a cease-fire. the israeli government setting them straight saying, quote: to those who wore the red hand pin at the oscars, this is what every israeli and palestinian
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thinks of when he sees a red hand. the lynching of two israelis by palestinians in a police station. the murderers drenched their hands in their victim's blood celebrating their murders. don't support that. our next guest walked the grammys, the red carpet last month in that dress that you see right there calling to bring the israeli hostages home. social media star turned pro-israel activist montana tucker joins us now. hey, montana. >> hi. how are you doing? >> ainsley: i'm doing well. what was your reaction when you saw so many celebrities wearing that red pin? >> i was shocked to see so many celebrities that have such huge platforms to be on there. i don't think they necessarily knew the real meaning behind the pin. i don't want to say that. but it triggered so many israelis around the world, jewish people around the world. about the lynching in 2000 of
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israelis. and i wish they all really really knew the meaning behind it because it really really upset and triggered so many people. >> ainsley: montana, you are the granddaughter of holocaust survivors. what did you think when the jewish director jonathan gleash he won the oscar for a holocaust film called the zone of interest. he claimed the israeli occupation and attack in gaza. >> he had such an opportunity to stand up there and really talk about the rise in anti-semitism. i we watched steven speilberg's speech for when he won for his holocaust movie, schindler's list. and he spoke of the rise in anti-semitism and how could he with never allow the holocaust to happen ever again. and i think he had such an opportunity to do something like that. and as a granddaughter of holocaust survivors, who fights every day to combat anti-semitism and all forms of hate, i think that only fueled it even more and caused more anti-semitism around the world. and separate from the conflict
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going on, he really had that opportunity to talk about that, especially for winning an award for holocaust movie. >> ainsley: yeah. you have so many followers on your social media pages i think more than 9 million. correct me if i am wrong. so why do you speak out? >> yes, i actually am really grateful that i have built a platform of over 1 million followers. >> ainsley: 1 million, gosh. >> my social media platform. for me i grew my platform from dancing, singing, acting from making people smile. as a granddaughter of holocaust survivors, it is my duty, my responsibility to use my platform and speak out because my grandparents and jews back then had no voice. and now i'm so grateful that i do have a voice. and for me, i went to israel. it was so important for me to go back there and bear witness and meet survivors of the nova festival or of the to speak with hostages that were released to speak with family members and showcase their stories on my platform so people around the world could really hear what's
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going on. i'm so grateful i went to israel and got to show these stories. >> ainsley: montana, such an honor to talk with you. still 134 hostages held in gaza. if you are watching say a prayer for them. >> thank you for having me. >> ainsley: you're welcome. the price is not right. the cost of everyday items now compared to four years ago. "the big money show" co-host jackie deangelis is going to react to that, next. ♪ ♪ ♪ should you stay or should you go ♪ well, if you don't have theg h answer ♪ ce -monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue.
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god gave us one planet. i dare to say he gave us everything we need. if agriculture isn't profitable, i can't do it over and over. the $20 billion for these conservation programs, it's a way for us to make sure that agriculture in america stays viable for the long term. to threaten the funding available for all of us is a really dangerous place to play politics.
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>> 2021 you did say transitory. do you regret saying that now. >> i regret saying it was transitory. it has come down. but i think transitory means a few weeks to months to most people. >> steve: there you have got treasury secretary janet yellen acknowledging the pain we all feel in the checkout line. how much more are we spending per item compared to four years ago? we went on a grocery run to find out. joining us now with more is "the big money show" co-host jackie deangelis. >> good morning. >> steve: we actually had to take out a loan to pay for the stuff on the table here.
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>> i bet. >> steve: a great article in the "wall street journal" yesterday. a guy said everybody has got a reference price. for him it was the cost of deodorant. deodorant always cost him $4 per tube. >> not anymore. >> steve: until it doubled to 8 bucks. when we go to the grocery store we all have the same reference prices. >> stressful for a lot of people. in that interview with edward lawrence on fox business. janet yellen talked about the administration bringing prices down. one of their first priorities. well, it hasn't been. the prices haven't come down. even though the rate of inflation has slowed, it just means prices are going up less quickly than they were before. let's talk about some of these staples. these are things everybody has in their home. starting with the baby wipes in the front. your reference price in 2020 might have been $4.25. that's what people paid. >> steve: so in your head you are thinking it costs please a little over 4 bucks. >> not anymore. $6.64 for the baby wipes and if
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you have a baby you know how many of those you are going through. >> steve: i have two grandkids. >> exactly a lot. let's talk about the bleach. that's also another staple. >> steve: i can't believe the price of this. >> 7.78. now in 2024. 4.87. that's almost double. >> in my head can i remember when a clorox was like 99 cents. >> exactly. >> and paper towels. we all go through these pandemic, remember, people started stocking up on them. paper towels used to be $5.76. now they have gone up to 8.22. and that's per piece depending on what size package you buy. >> steve: i don't know how it is with you, but when i live out in the suburbs, when we go to the grocery store we used to be able to get like four bags for about 100 bucks. now we have two bags and we were thinking about every price because it was like okay. we can afford it but it's like am i really going to pay $25 for a steak per pound? >> better in the suburbs. here in the city i face this
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problem. everything even has more of a city premium on top of it. >> steve: sure. >> that story in the "new york post" about the couple paying roughly 50 bucks for two breakfast sandwiches and two ice coffees. that's a reality here in new york. that goes on almost every single day. >> steve: but, at some point, you know, and i know janet yellen in the great interview that edward lawrence did yesterday talking about prices are going to come down. we don't feel it. >> no. >> steve: they can give us a number and say hey, look, we are doing so much better. doesn't feel like that. >> two important things. number one the prices going up are not coming down right now. i don't know how that would be changed by this administration given they are spending so much money and all the stimulus we have seen. number two the gentleman in the "wall street journal" was talked about yeah i got a pay raise but i'm spending more on all of these goods but so it doesn't feel like i got a pay raise. effectively you did not. >> steve: the "wall street journal" also had an article, it talked about a woman who had been feeding her dog science diet dog food. and had i don't know from 37 to
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$46. so she started buying something cheaper. >> i remember a period not long ago where prices were going up and people were saying they were actually getting rid of their pets because they couldn't afford the veterinary care. >> steve: seriously. >> they couldn't afford the food prices. i personally got a dog in the last year. i can't imagine. i give to her before i ate, right? >> steve: right. >> this is what people are having -- these are the choices they are having to make. there was another article in the journal talking about young couples, two incomes, they are not having children because it's too expensive. so instead they're just spending on experiences in life and sort of living. but that's the american dream, steve. and that is what is slipping out from, you know, under everybody's fingers and they feel it. >> steve: it's the number one issue. i know border is number one with voters, regarding joe biden. but, when you look at the prices we all face at the grocery store. >> economics, number two. >> it is indeed. you know, she came in early today. make sure you watch her on "the big money show" on fox business at 1:00. >> thank you so much.
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>> steve: thank you, j.d., that's great. meanwhile, today, donald trump expected to appear in a florida courtroom to try to dismiss his classified documents case. a preview straight ahead. ♪sis i'm all in with clearer s. ♪ things are getting clearer...♪ ( ♪ ) ♪ i feel free... ♪ ♪ to bear my skin, yeah that's all me. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ( ♪) with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and most people were clearer even at 5 years. skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions... ...and an increased risk of infections... ...or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms,... ...had a vaccine, or plan to. ♪ nothing and me go hand-in-hand, ♪ ♪ nothing on my skin, that's my new plan. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪ now's the time,...
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>> lawrence: it is 8:00 on the


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